
Archive for the ‘Gastroventures’ Category

It’s Saturday morning, and I find myself fantasizing about one of the most delicious, mouth-watering breakfasts I’ve ever had – and I’ve had quite a variety, believe me. I open my eyes in half-asleep daze, and my thoughts gravitate towards a less typical, Asian fare.

More specifically, Singaporean. On a recent visit to Singapore, a friend recommended Toast Box, a chain cafe (not quite like your typical Starbucks, though–and I will tell you why) opened by its parent company, BreadTalk. It turned out to be one of the most enjoyable meals to start the day with.

BreadTalk is a boutique bakery in Singapore offering fresh, local creations (like Pork Floss and Curry Dozo), as well as creative renditions of more typical western flavors (Cheddar Double and Blueberry Fluff). Toast Box doesn’t have quite as extensive a selection of bread, but it does offer  beverages (like Barley Tea, Milo) and meals. Here’s a snapshot of some items on their menu:Toast Box Menu (Some items)

 More Toast Box Goodies

What really had me coming back to Toast Box were these three things:

1) The coffee, called Kopi O, or Kopi C. This is not your “typical” coffee from chains like Starbucks, despite Toast Box being a cafe chain itself. Oh, no. I am no coffee connoisseur, but the Kopi was bold, deep and infused with layers of flavor following through after your first sip. The secret? My guess is a bit of chicory, and the preparation of “pulling” the coffee.Kopi O, prepared by "pulling" the coffee

This method of “pulling coffee” reflects Indian influence prevalent in Singapore. This is also done in parts of Malaysia. The coffee is poured back and forth in containers with very long spouts, with huge motions of the hand. This is supposed to settle the flavor and heat, and create a thick layer of froth. It was definitely worth all the pulling – the coffee tasted wonderful. Here’s a video from maritzachan on youtube, about pulled coffee in Penang, Malaysia:

2) The Traditional Kaya Toast, which is perfectly toasted sliced bread with even layers of coconut, butter and egg jam. The result was heavenly.Traditional Kaya Toast

3) And finally, Laksa, which is a spicy vermicelli noodle soup with coconut-based curry flavor. It also came with tofu puffs, shrimp and some green herbs. It’s an adventurous alternative to grits or oats, for sure.


And here I sit with my Folgers coffee and plain toast…ahh, the fantasy was good while it lasted. I think I’ll attempt to look for some coconut jam to replicate the Kaya toast at home, at the very least. Have a great weekend, y’all!

Toast Box
1 Harbourfront Walk #B2-34
Singapore 098585

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